By Adedoja Adewale
You can find yourself in a very complex and confusing
situation. Your heart can be torn between two answers and your knowledge of
God's word can fail you. What will you do? I heard that!(goofy face). You pray.
Right? But see this-How does asking God for a sign sound?
Gideon was in the winepress threshing wheat when the
angel of the Lord appeared to him and began to speak what he first considered
gibberish. Gradually, the angel began to make sense. Then Gideon was left in the
middle. He wanted to believe, but he thought 'what if all these are untrue?' so
he decided to take the two-factor authentication method. He asked for a sign.
Then he said to Him, “If now I have found favor in Your sight, then show me a
sign that it is You who talk with me. Judges 6:17 NKJV
Along the line, he extended it to a four-factor
authentication method because he asked for a sign thrice. If it were to be man,
man would get angry and flare up and say something like 'I've proven myself
twice. What else do you want? See if you like believe, if you like don't
believe. Don't stress me abeg.' But you see, God is not man.
There would be big phases in your life, times where it would seem like your faith isn't enough. Now here's the thing. Asking for a sign shouldn't be a remedy when you don't believe. No. It should instead be a kind of proof on God's part. You know all those ancient tradition action movies that usually have legends, when there's a complex situation, the king has to give his word. So that when he turns his back on his subjects, they can remind him of his word.
God does not lie. So if God gives you a sign He is
giving you something to strengthen your faith with. So that when the tough time
comes and it seems like what you believe isn't going to stand, there will be
something for you to hold on to, something that will keep you believing.
I have heard numerous stories of people that have
asked God for signs and have received concordant answers. I'll tell you one of
A friend of mine also told me how he found out that
the woman God told him was his wife was one year older than him. Whereas he
believed in the philosophy that the husband must be older than his wife or at
least an age mate. So he prayed and God told him that He would make him look
older than his wife. He asked God for a sign and the next day, he discovered a
grey hair on his head. Up till today, he still looks older than his wife.
Although, he later found out that there was a mix-up in his date of birth, that
he and his wife were actually age mates.
Now, the kind of things you can ask God for signs for
are not limited. But ensure that you ask according to the will of God. And the
will of God is simply what the word of God supports. Don't stress it! It's that
God loves you so much that he wants you to always
believe in Him. He doesn't want you to be confused at any point. He also wants
you to explore your abilities in Him. Infact, He gave us the rainbow as a sign.
And God said: “This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and
you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual
generations:Genesis 9:12 NKJV
I think you should try it if you've never. Will you?
Ask God for a sign for something you are seriously trusting him for. Let Him
give you his word.
Or have you ever done this? Share your experience with
us in the comment section.
Thanks for this sir. I'll try it ASAP
ReplyDeleteGreat, the word profit us when we apply it.
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