By Adedoja Adewale


One little memory that pops up all the time and causes me to be amazed each time it does. Is a jingle that was usually shown on OGTV(Ogun State Television. Ogun State is in Nigeria). It says "Don't throw wastes on the streets or in drainages because these wastes end up blocking the water ways and results to flood". I was a little girl then but still I was very conscious of this. When I eat biscuits or anything at all. I don't throw the wrapper on the floor. I keep it in my bag and dispose it when I get home. I was uncomfortable when anyone disobeyed. Luckily, my mother does not throw wastes around till now.

The point of this story is this. You must obey in the Lord the rules and regulations of any city,  community, organization, church, anywhere you find yourself.

As a believer in a developing country you are exposed to lots of temptations everywhere you go. Because in developed countries the rules are strictly regulated. Sometimes they have CCTV cameras everywhere, so if you disobey a traffic rule, you will be seen punished. Here, we don't.

Many times people do what they like and get away with it. You feel this strong urge to do what they do. But actually you aren't like them. You are different from them. You are a believer, a Christian.

Examination malpractice is wrong! Bribery is wrong! You don't have to lie to get people to vote for you! Obey traffic lights!

I know you can't do all these by your strength. But first you have to decide in your heart to be obedient and then trust God to help you.

They may not seem like wrongs but they are. You know they are.


What law of the land do you disobey? Do you obey the traffic lights?

Do you cheat in the examination hall? Do you bribe?

Check yourself.

Proverbs 28:4-They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.

If I obeyed a jingle as a little girl. You can!