By Kolawole Oluwafemi

A believer’s life style is an expected life experience and expression of someone who has given the totality of his life to Jesus has his Lord and savior.

As beautiful as Christianity is, the point of salvation is only the first step to living a victorious Christian life. This the point whereby you start winning your soul back from the devil and worldly things you got yourself involved with before salvation.

In Apostle Pauls’ letter to the Roman Church 12:2

“But be ye not conform to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind; that ye may prove what is that good and perfect, will of God”.

There is a need for the renewing of your mind because, at the point of salvation, only your spirit man was redeemed and born-again thus making your dead conscience alive again. But your soul and fleshly passions still remain intact; you being a medical doctor before you gave your life to Christ doesn’t mean you will automatically have a brain wipe and seize being a doctor at salvation. So it is with your old sinful ways. You won’t automatically forget your sinful ways, tactics and habits.

That’s why falling back into sin after salvation is a great likelihood if you fail to consciously live according to the teachings and precepts of your new found faith. There must be a conscious renewal of your mind and working out of your salvation.

Philippians 2:12

“Wherefore my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not has in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling”.

However, if you fall beck into sin, don’t write yourself off or allow the devil to guilt trip you because if you fall seven times you can surely rise again.

This brings us to what next after salvation. Discipleship. You need to join a bible believing church after salvation and report yourself for discipleship whereby you will be thoroughly taught on a one on one level by matured Christian on how to live a victorious Christian life.


Have you been living a victorious Christian life void of sin and ungodly passions since you made Jesus Christ your Lord and savior? Take time to reflect on this and take the required steps.