By Adedoja Adewale
Of course, there are different kinds of prayers and each
must be properly understood to prevent misplacement. So that you won't be
asking when you should be declaring and you won’t be making supplications when
you should be interceding. Despite this, prayer of faith is a very important
component of all kinds of prayer.
PS; To understand the kinds of prayer. Read The Art of Prayer by Kenneth Hagins
There is something about the Christian fold that baffles me, common especially among new births. You see an old woman giving a testimony of how she prayed for her sick son to be healed. And how he miraculously received total healing. Her speech and expression reveals extreme surprise. As if she just prayed to God without expecting an answer. Here's the thing. It's okay to be joyful when your prayers are answered. But what this story indicates is that that old woman's prayer lacked faith. She probably prayed to fulfill her responsibility of telling her troubles to God. But beyond telling your troubles, all that you do must be backed by faith. You are enjoined to live by faith. 2 Corinthians 5:7-For we live by believing and not by seeing.
Something like this happened in the scriptures when
Peter was imprisoned by Herod and the saints were busy praying. They knew the
scriptures but when Rhoda informed them of Peter's arrival, they thought she
was out of her mind. Acts 12:15- And they said unto her, Thou art mad. But
she constantly affirmed that it was even so. Then said they, It is his angel. When
in truth, they should have been waiting for that announcement. After all, that
is what they were praying for.
Examine the scriptures. Check out the story of Jarius,
The woman with the issue of blood, the widow and every other person that
experienced Jesus Christ's power. They manifested faith before and after their request
was granted.
Even little faith makes a difference. Luke 17:6-And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you. Sometimes what is hindering your prayer is lack of faith. The moment that ingredient is added, everything comes to place.
Also, apart from the benefit that you derive from this,
you also have to know that the life that you live, you don't just live for
yourself. You live for Christ. Moreover, everything that you do should only
draw people to Jesus and not further take them away.
Therefore, when you pray with faith, you are not just
doing it for yourself but also for people around you. So that they will know that,
it is possible for you to be in the most challenging situation and still have faith.
Yes, it's possible.
I was blessed
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