By Kolawole Oluwafemi

Life is full of consequences because people never stop taking actions. “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. For every action a man takes, there are consequences. It is troubling to note that many people live carelessly and damn the consequences of their actions. It is almost as if they believe they can do almost anything and get away with it.

When Cain slew Abel in Genesis 4, his envy had clouded his judgement. He allowed the wickedness of his heart to consume me. He could have repented and maybe seek God’s favour but he chose to damn the consequences.

And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. Gen.4:6-7 KJV.

His consequence for bringing a dishonorable offering to the Lord was rejection, but instead of repenting, he took another action that brought far worse judgement upon him.

Many Christians are in this zone of life, they keep getting it wrong over and over again with every action they take but they find it difficult to humble themselves to turn back to God for restoration. It always start will a seemingly minute sin such as lying until they find themselves doing monstrous things, they find it difficult to recognize themselves. This was seen in Judas-Iscariot, a disciple of Jesus who started from twistedness, progressed to betrayal until he finally killed himself. It gets worse as time goes on if you don’t repent on time.

When Judas betrayed Jesus Christ, he did not know the levity of his action until he had carried out his plan. This made me to ask myself some questions; did Judas think at all before accepting to betray Jesus or was it all about the money, did he know there were going to be consequences or he felt Jesus will do some magic to free himself then he can keep the money.

Turn back quickly from those bad choices you have been making, don’t get deeper into it. The consequences of your actions today go into your future to wait for you. If you have done well today you will reap it reward to the fullest in your tomorrow, likewise if you have invested your youth in misbehavior, you will sure reap the reward.

What decisions have you made that you’ve found difficult to turn back from? Have you being thinking that you have gone too deep and God won’t forgive you? There is help for you in Jesus today. Repent and start doing what is right in before God.

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