By Kolawole Oluwafemi
You know the
amount of damages you wrecked on the kingdom of darkness within those three
months you managed to stay out of sin. You cannot even remember the number of
sinners you led to Christ and ministered Holy-Ghost baptism to. You were really
on fire.
What then happened after? All of a sudden, you are back to you usual self, cold, in your lowest state. You can’t preach confidently no more, you almost do not remember you have to pray to your father when you wake up in the morning. Then you try to figure out when and where it all went wrong (perplexed within your spirit). The Holy Spirit then comes graciously (because of the father’s love for you) to remind you how you erred against God (though you knew), but you feel so condemned within yourself you do not want to ask for forgiveness. “After-all I have asked God to forgive me numerous times because of this particular sin”, you say.
Let me tell
you that the devil is not your problem. Your flesh is the problem. Your lack of
self-control is the problem. The devil is an opportunist who takes advantage of
your weakness and use it against you.
Wherefore seeing we also are
compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every
weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience
the race that is set before us. Hebrews.12.1 (KJV).
There is
race that has been set before you by the virtue of your birth and Christianity.
Question time;
have you ever seen anybody running in a marathon tie a heavy bag to his legs or
carry loads on his or her back? No, I am sure you have not.
The devil tries to bring temptations and trials your way to keep you tied to your past life, to that sin that doth easily beset you. He ties these heavily loads of sin around your leg to slow you down or keep you stagnant. You take a step forward and in no time, you are back where you started.
The devil
never want to see his captives free not to talk of the freed turning to do any
form of damage to his kingdom. He wants to keep you in sin.
Here is the
big question. Do you want to remain in the circle of going in and out of sin or
you want to break free totally? There is power in the name of Jesus. The Bible
says, “whosoever is born of God does not commit sin”. The devil wants to keep
you in sin to prevent you from breaking forth in your destiny.
Your case
may not necessarily be that of deliverance ministration. All you may need is self-discipline
Fight your
way out of sin today. Let us do some damage to the kingdom of the devil.
Do you know
any other thing that is not mentioned here? Please let us know in the comment
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