By Adedoja Adewale
If I ask you
what God is saying to you at the moment, what would you answer? When last did
you hear God speak to you? When last did you feel a word in your spirit?
You can call
this your burden too. When God sends His words, it comes in various forms, as a
rebuke, as an instruction, as a burden or as a prophecy. Your survival is
dependent on this.
I am a
dreamer. Once upon a time, I dream to the extent that when I have not dreamt in
a long time, I feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, I pray to God to send me dreams.
But really, there are various ways you can hear His voice. It shouldn't be
stereotyped. Open your heart to receive everywhere in all dimensions.
Above all,
what is most important is that as the word is spoken, you receive it. Don't
push it aside. This is something people tend to do when it is not favourable.
You only like to hear nice things. No. You need to be corrected too.
Corrections are not always nice.
This Word that we are talking about is the solution to your present predicament. My pastor once told me that a WORD is what God just needs to speak to bring about a long-desired change. When God created Light, he spoke a word-"Let there be light". Genesis 1:3-Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. When he wanted to redeem us, he sent Jesus Christ, the Word. John 1:1-In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Therefore, if you have no word, my dear you are in pains.
Now the word
is what sees you through tough times. It is what you keep holding on to. When
you have doubts in your mind, the word is what gives you conviction and
continues to tell you that you are doing the right thing.
There are
different places you can get this Word. Don't worry, they are the common places
you know of. So it's possible that you miss what is here for you because you
think you know them all.
Scriptures. Place of prayer. Reading Christian books. Listening to Christian
Sermons. Speaking the truth.
When you
pray, you hear God's voice. He gives you directions, up till telling you where
to read for your exams. When you read spirit-filled books, you experience the
rush of the spirit. In few days, you learn mysteries that took months (or even
years) to discover. When you listen to Christian Sermons, you are charged,
geared for a manifestation. When you preach the gospel, God speaks with you. He
sends his words. He teaches you as you teach his children.
A common
question amongst new converts is "what if I am unable to answer an
unbeliever's question when I go out to preach?" You see, you should not
worry. The Holy Spirit will teach you at that moment. You do nothing by your
power. The power of the almighty will overshadow you.
In addition,
you receive God's word in the most unplanned circumstance or situation. We
cannot exhaust where and when you can hear Him. Just ensure that at no time in
your life is your spirit empty. Be on the look out for what God is about to
As a matter
of fact, He is saying something now. Listen!
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