By Kolawole Oluwafemi
In my last
article “when exactly have you head God?”, I showed us the basics on hearing
God, which is hearing Him from His word. When you read your Bible well enough,
God begins to quicken His word to you at the point when you need that world.
Today I will
be sharing with you on this same topic but from different perspective. You need
to know that when it comes to hearing God, it is not a one-way thing. Most Christians
run to God when they are desperate. They often treat the Holy Spirit as
something to be used. Although, he is the promised helper he is not your
God wants to
speak to you as much as He wants to hear you speak to Him. Communication is a two-way
thing. My focus this morning is to bring you to a knowing that God still speaks
to you even when you are not looking to hear from Him.
And Jacob
awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I
knew it not. Gen.28:16
How many times have God being where you are, tried to communicate with you and you have failed to recognize that God has being trying to reach you? There is an urgent need for Christians to improve their sensitivity to the voice and directions of God. Many times, when we need to hear God in our low moments, He keeps quiet but comes to us at unexpected moments “for in quietness and confidence shall be your strength”.
You need to
go beyond hearing God for your needs alone to hearing God for what He needs you
for. Beyond asking God for exam questions, who to marry or what business to do.
Have you taken time to ask God what he wants you to accomplish for Him. He didn’t
create you for creating you sake, you are for His glory. You must find out how
you are supposed to show forth His glory.
When God
comes to show us these things are times that we are not even looking to hear
from Him. I am sure that Abraham was not looking to become the father of all
nation when God came to Him to separate from his family.
Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get
thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house,
unto a land that I will shew thee: Gen.12:1.
Developing great
sensitivity to hear God for what He needs you for is more important because
what you want from God comes as a package with it. God needed Abraham to start
the generation of the children of Israel from which came Jesus Christ to the
world. Abraham put himself in a position to hearing God accurately for his
destiny to happen. However, while Abraham was obeying God (doing his destiny)
God also blessed him and provided for his human needs.
You may be
here reading this article today and the answers to you long time questions are
in the place of your obedience to doing what God needs you to do for Him. Don’t
look for answers where you can’t find them. Your answer is in pursuing the
vision of God for you.
I will be
looking forward to answer your questions is you have any, drop them in the
comment section or send us a mail at Follow our Facebook page at GOSTRAFFIC
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