By Kolawole Oluwafemi 

A major trend among friends, lovers and even couples in our world today is the issue of equal commitment. More often than not, both parties in such relationships usually think to themselves that they won’t allow their partner to be less committed. They would rather come down to the level of the commitment of their partner. This mean, instead of doing the big chunk of the checking on, loving, applying effort consciously to grow their relationship etc. they would rather do less or equal commitment as their partners. The statement usually is, “nobody will use me”.

As good sounding as the above statement may look, it is one statement I would want you to refrain from, going forward. As a Christian, you have more than enough examples in the Bible that shows the essence of a life of sacrifice. Hannah, the mother of Samuel is a good example. She gave her son, Samuel back to God in the days when God needed to groom a prophet who can lead and choose for His people. If you think that was not a huge sacrifice by Hannah you would agree with me that the Death of Jesus Christ for the sin of mankind and his resurrection on the third day was enough a sacrifice.

Who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time. 1 Timothy.2:6.

Many Christians are quick to forget that they have a father to son relationship with God, whether it is thriving or not. But as many as received Him, to them gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name. John 1:2.

There is nothing you can do to measure up to the Jesus’ sacrifice for you, but how far are you willing to go?

Your relationship with Him should be a thriving relationship. Your level of commitment in this relationship is what I would like to dwell more on. You may ask, how can I actually attain commitment in this relationship I am in with the Father? It is quite simple. You should be a person that God can count on.

Being God’s man in your generation means you are a son God can actually count on. I will tell you how you can be God’s man in your generation under three major subtopics although I won’t dive deep into them:

Earning the trust of God:

Surely, the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servant the prophets. Amos 3:7.

This is the focal point in my shearing today. Let me start by asking how many times you have failed God over and again. When God keeps bringing information to your knowledge in revelations, word of knowledge or dreams and you keep missing them, how long do you think God will keep trusting you?

I had a dream sometimes last month, it was a Sunday morning. I dreamt that my phone was stolen. It was so real and terrifying because I just got a new phone about three months before that time. By the time I remembered that I was supposed to pray about the dream I was already in the bathroom (I had rush to church), so I did a shabby prayer about the dream then forgot about it. I had not even entered the church auditorium that same morning before I was told that a stranger came inside the church, stole a brother’s phone and left immediately.

The fact was that God wanted to prevent that evil occurrence from happening, He showed me but I couldn’t pray enough to prevent it from happening. I didn’t even take time to ask God for an interpretation. I was pained as though the phone that got stolen was mine.

Many times God tells his children things ahead of time so they can prepare for them or intercede to prevent them from happening but time without number we have failed by not taking heed to such communications from God. How long before God move on to someone else who is more receptive to His communications. May god not stop looking at your direction.

Prayer: Intercessory and preemptive prayers. When God needs something done He looks for those who are in a relationship with Him to carry out that assignment. One of the ways you show your commitment to Him is making yourself available in the place of intercession.

And I sought for a man among them, that should make us the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30.

Let God not look any further after He has seen you. Meet the need of God in your own generation.

Soul winning: this is another important need of God especially in this generation but many Christians would choose another work of the kingdom ahead of this. It gives God so much pleasure and incites joy in Him when a sinner is saved and brought into relationship with Him. “There is joy among the company of angels over a soul that repents”. Christians should really stop acting like a jealous spouse who wants her husband all for herself. It is time for you and me to win more brides for the father.

These are few ways you can remain an active participant and partaker in the relationship you have with the Father. Reciprocate His love with your own commitment.

I know you have learned something new from what you have read today, let us know what you learned and questions you have using the comment section below.