By Kolawole Oluwafemi

Have you ever asked yourself what excellence really means? Why should I excel? What do I stand to lose if I fail to excel? These are common questions that lives in our subconscious and more often than not, influence how we all respond to life generally. In some ways, I would say that the answers you give to these questions whether consciously or in your subconscious accumulates to determine who you are and where you will end up later in your future. Let me take a pause from asking you questions.

Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. Daniel 6:3

“Excellence is the situation in which you continuously become better in whatsoever you focus your energy on”. This definition shows you that excellence is not a destination but rather a continuous event whereby you keep getting better. This may then cause you to ask a question, “how do I keep getting better?”.

The question of how to keep getting better isn’t much of a big deal as you may think. You get better by maintaining consistency. Many people know what is right to do but how often do they do that right thing. When it comes to attaining excellence, it doesn’t have to be in your academics alone. Have you thought about becoming better in your relationship with other people, in your walk with God, in your business, your marketing strategy and many more aspect of human existence I may not have mentioned.

Excellence is in the nature of God

At a point in your life you might have thought within yourself that you could have done better, in fact you compared yourself with the best student in you class and you know that if you had put an extra effort you could have been the best. That is a pointer to the fact that you carry the nature of God. God created man in His image and likeness and at the point of your creation you also carried the excellent nature of God. Whenever you find yourself telling yourself that you could have done better, that's the excellent nature in you crying out to receive expression. You will be doing yourself a lot of bad if you limit yourself by suppressing that excellent nature that God has bestowed you with.

And God saw all that He made, and behold, it was very good. Genesis 1:31

Why limit yourself to the “good” when you can actually attain the “very good”?

Christianity offers you a better advantage

Achieving excellence is completely attainable even to unbelievers but spiritual excellency is unattainable to them. Interestingly, accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and savior will give you an advantage of becoming the most exceptional in whatsoever you lay your hands to do.

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Proverbs 4:18

Let us take a peek into the life of King Solomon.

Now grant me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead these people. 2 Chronicles 1:10.

Most bible readers usually think Solomon was lacking in wisdom and that was why He asked God for wisdom. Obviously he wasn’t a dummy because it takes a man who has wisdom to pray that kind of prayer. My focus is that Solomon asked for wisdom and that was very significant in His leadership role in Israel. This short story showed us that when the God factor rests upon your natural ability there is no limit to the height that you can get to.

That is the Christian’s advantage. Your human ability plus the God factor births a life without limitations.

If you are an unbeliever that wants to enjoy a life of excellence without limitations just like Solomon, David, Abraham, Jesus (those whose total dependence was on God), now is the time to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Send us a mail or a DM on any of our social media platforms.

I am sure you’ve enjoyed this short read. You can also share with us using the comment section how your dependency on God has set you on a journey of excellence. You never can tell, it might help someone.