By Adedoja Adewale

Imagine this. Imagine that a person has all that it takes to be a multibillionaire but is still poor. I am sure you think that person has to be the most foolish person to ever exist. I mean, you sure wouldn't take such a privilege with levity. But what if you look at it from this perspective?: that person might just be innocent, maybe what he needs is information/ knowledge and understanding.

Now let's bring this home. You now know you are unique, right? You know there are divine deposits in you and God wants you to function in a particular way. You know that living God's will for your life should be a priority. Despite all this knowledge, somebody can still be confused. You can still continue to walk around your daily activities wondering who you are exactly and why what you think is God's plan and purpose for your life is not coming to pass.

See, in life there are always many questions to give answers to, but this is not to increase your bother or give you more questions. Instead, I have the perfect answer for you and I'd rather call it a solution. Permit me to do this as a dialogue.

Me: Do you read your bible at all

You: Of course I do. I read my bible everyday

Me: Wow! That's lovely. But forgive my curiosity please, what have you been reading?

You: I don't think I understand that

Me: The bible is God's bag of promises for you. All that you are is in there. All that needs to happen is for your spiritual eyes to be open to see them. They can be so hidden that if you are not aware of these things, you can read your bible many times a day and still not get the message. But once you get the message, reading your bible  actually feels like drawing from the wells of salvation as in Isaiah 12:3- Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation.

You: I think I'm getting it.

Me:  You will get it. Did you watch that blockbuster movie, Overcomer? Why do you think Hannah wrote out everything the book of Ephesians said about her?

You: Errrm, to help her see them clearly.

Me: Yes. But there's more! There is power in affirming and re-affirming. Say it to yourself one thousand times a day. And then, pray it. God! Nothing is sweeter than that.

In bullet points;

·        Write out all the things you want to see yourself become according to God's will.

·        Read it to yourself everyday.

·        During your quiet time everyday, decree it. Conviction is birthed in the place of prayer as my "Prayo" says.

·        Then watch yourself transform into that giant you want to be.

Let me show you what my affirmation looks like now.